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업데이트 아카이브

제품 카테고리

3월 2024의 월별 업데이트

3 29

Migrate to Azure AI Document Intelligence v3.1 GA version

대상 사용 중지 날짜: 8월 31, 2026

Azure AI Document Intelligence v2.0 API will be retired on 31 August 2026

  • Retirements
3 19

Billing for Azure Monitor stateful log search alerts

미리 보기

Starting from May 1, 2024, you will be charged for stateful log alerts in Azure Monitor.

  • Compliance
  • Services
  • Features
3 13

General availability: Additional cache size for Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise

지금 이용 가능

대상 가용성: Q1 2024

Utilize an additional Enterprise-tier cache size to optimize the price and performance of your Redis workload.

  • Azure Cache for Redis
  • Features


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